Chief People Officer

Knoetic can support CPOs in many key areas, including:

  • Ensure company-wide alignment, planning, and cohesion
  • Setting and managing strategy for building exceptional teams
  • Defining and driving the company cultures
  • Managing the People team (culture + traditional HR function)

How CPOs leverage Knoetic

With the power of data at their fingertips, we want to empower CPOs to have a seat at the table. We do this in a number of ways.

  1. Help you shine as the best CPO they've ever seen. Data-savvy and able to access insights in seconds, you can answer questions on the fly in ELT, board meetings, and company all-heads.
  2. Key insights at your fingertips. Need to know your Engineering headcount today or last quarter? Two clicks, and you're there.
  3. Empower your entire org to make data-driven decisions. Gut just doesn't cut it anymore. Allow your team to visualize what the data is telling them with our beautiful charts, graphs, and Org Chart.
  4. Build shareable reports for your ELT. Create reports that live in perpetuity and can be shared with guests who will recieve view-only access. For instance, create an Attrition report for your CTO that they can access in real-time, whenever!
  5. Quick Board Meeting presentations. Oh, the dreaded board meeting prep. Quickly export graphs—in your brand colors— to drop into the next presentation. So long, pivot tables or waiting weeks for the results you need.
  6. Leverage your CSM as your People data consultant. We're here to help you realize your vision and spread the importance of data across the team. Plus, we make all integrations a breeze!

Resources for CPOs & People Leaders

Want to learn how other People Leaders are leveraging Knoetic? Email to reach your CSM who can share all the tips we've learned.

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